As I was doom- scrolling through Instacrack, sometime in 2020, I got targeted for an ad for a rather quirky snack – Liver Crisps by Carnivore Aurelius. Initially, I thought it was a rather silly idea, as I had tried to make liver myself with disastrous results, so I couldn’t imagine somehow making it better as a dried snack. So how did I end up hooked, you ask? Well, follow me now on yet another bovine-fueled journey.
Who is Carnivore Aurelius?
The first question you may ask yourself, like I did, was who the hell was Carnivore Aurelius? The answer? I still don’t know. He’s a man of mystery aside from his thoughts on the benefits of animal-based eating, genital sunning (it’s self-explanatory), ancient philosophy, a hint of biohacking, and a lot of llamas. However, he has a dedicated following, actually provides some good (and often eccentric) insight on both living and nutrition, and often gives you a good-old fashioned chuckle. Stalk his Instagram here.
What is in Liver Crisps?
Liver Crisps only have either two or three ingredients: grass-fed beef liver, sea salt, and/or onion. This slight variance is because Liver Crisps come in two flavors, sea salt and sea salt and onion. I tried the Sea Salt crisps, so I’d be curious to see how the sea salt and onion ones taste (everyone’s heard of liver and onions at some point from grandma right?)
What do Liver Crisps taste like?
Now the next obvious question is, what do Liver Crisps taste like? Well. Let’s just say they’re an acquired taste. However, it did not take me long to acquire said taste. Now, I can polish off a whole bag and I crave them. If I had to describe them, it would be as “nutty,” along the lines of seaweed you’d find on a sushi role. Liver Crisp Review
Are Liver Crisps actually crunchy?
In a word, yes. However, I would have to describe the Liver Crisp crunch as “light.” It’s a wafer-thin cut of liver so there is a crunch. However, these aren’t going to continue being crunchy as you chew. As you chew, they get a little sticky, and the unfortunate side effect is they tend to get stuck in my teeth. Despite this small defect, Carnivore Aurelius has managed to solve a key issue most people have with liver – the mouth feel.
Are Liver Crisps Nutritious?
Duh. Just check out the nutrient facts. A single bag gives you 200 calories, 15 grams of clean protein, and an absurd amount of virtually every nutrient you need to run your body. Looks a lot sexier than a corn chip. Plus, the dogs go batsh*t for them so you know it’s what a primal creature needs. Liver Crisp Review
Where can I buy Liver Crisps?
You can find Liver Crisps online here. Each bag is supposed to be two servings, but you’ll find yourself killing a bag by yourself (or maybe splitting one with the dog.)
Long story short, Liver Crisps are the next best thing since, well, liver. They’re light, crunchy, oddly addicting, and amazingly nutritious. Go buy yourself a box today, and tell Carnivore Aurelius that we say hey. Liver Crisp Review
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