34 Healthy Habits + Routines to Start During Quarantine

The Hive

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Many of us are in week 4+ of Covid-19 quarantine. And to be realistic, we’ll probably have a few more weeks confined to the space of our home.

So how do we make the most of this unique time in social isolation? Well, given that we’re spending a significant amount of time at home (and without the confines of a strict schedule), now is the perfect time to reset our priorities and develop healthy habits that we can carry back into “normal life.”

I recently took this thought to instagram, and was genuinely surprised at the feedback I got. Take a look at the 50 answers I copied and pasted below, and maybe they’ll inspire you to try something new or develop a new habit: 

“What are some new habits or routines are you incorporating in your life now that you’re spending more time at home? What would you like to start doing?”

  1. “I’ve been getting out of bed as soon as I wake up.”
  2. “I make sure to dedicate time to walk outside every day.”
  3. “I recently invested in a standing desk for my house and plan on getting one for my office.” (here’s a solid option on Amazon)
  4. “I start my mornings with cold baths or a 2-minutes cold shower. I’m more energized and feel invigorated immediately after taking one.”
  5. “I started reading more self-improvement books.”
  6. “I took off my apple watch.” 
  7. Plants.” 
  8. “I stopped putting creamer in my coffee to cut back on dairy.”
  9. “I’ve been taking daily walks around the neighborhood – I take a different route each day.”
  10. “Picked up photography and got a free Adobe Photoshop + Lightroom trial.”
  11. “I started a meditation practice – just 5 minutes in the morning.”
  12. “Sobriety.” *one of the biggest responses from the poll
  13. “Deep-cleaning every corner of my house.”
  14. “Stretching often. I set a timer for every 45 minutes during my working hours to get up, stretch a little, and take a walk around the house.”
  15. “Working out everyday during lunch. I didn’t realize how nicely it frees up my evenings.”
  16. “I got an AeroGarden and started growing herbs in my apartment. Home Depot and Sprouts has great starter plants.”
  17. “I started waking up earlier to enjoy longer morning walks with the dog.”
  18. “I bought a new notebook to pick up journaling again. I start my mornings writing down three things I’m grateful for.”
  19. “Writing hand-written letters! I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve written one!”
  20. “I started re-arranging furniture throughout my house. Makes the space feel new again.”
  21. “DIY house decor projects – I use this website for inspiration.”
  22. “I started selling some of my lightly-used clothing and household items on Poshmark and OfferUp.”
  23. “I started making one green swap a week. This week I swapped out my cleaning supplies for this amazing cleaner! It’s a DIY hospital-grade disinfectant.”
  24. “Learning how to master the art of sourdough.” (here’s a great sourdough starter)
  25. “Im dedicated to taking a Rosetta Stone language course.”
  26. “I started wearing blue light glasses when looking at screens.”
  27. “I’ve given up drinking alcohol during the week.”
  28. “I’ve taken a break from smoking marijuana.”
  29. “I started a Bullet Journal and now I’m hooked.”
  30. “My boyfriend and I pick out one new recipe to try a week. We’re gunna stick to it after this bullsh*t’s over with.”
  31. “I started calling at least one family member or friend every time I take the dog out. It gives me a dedicated 15-30 minutes to catch up.”
  32.  “I cut coffee and started drinking herbal tea. After a week I think it’s made a difference with my sleep patterns.”
  33.  “I started cycle syncing – read this book and thank me later.” 
  34. “Free online courses – Coursera has some great ones.”

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Editor’s Note: This article does not contain medical advice. We encourage you to consult with your trusted healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health & wellbeing.


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