It’s time to be honest with ourselves here – we all need a little health “reset” every now and then throughout the year. And as of recently, I felt the urge to give my gut a good deep clean.
With so many gut cleanses out there, I wanted to find a protocol that was 1. not overly expensive, and 2. not too complex. I decided to give Dr. Ali Gordon’s 7-day gut cleanse a try not only because it fit my personal criteria, but because she’s a dear friend and a holistic doctor that I know and trust.
If you’re looking for a gut reset, look no further. Here’s everything you need to know about Dr Ali Gordon’s 7-Day Gut Cleanse.
What are the symptoms of an unhealthy gut?
It’s no secret that our gut microbiome plays a critical role in overall health and wellbeing. When our gut is functioning properly, the good balance of bacteria helps our body process and get energy from the foods we eat, aids in immune function, and improves our mood – all things we want and need. The gut is called our body’s “second brain” for a reason – its one of the most integral systems in our body that dictates our overall, systemic health.
How do we know if our gut is not functioning properly? Symptoms of an unhealthy gut can manifest in a lot of different ways, including:
- Autoimmune problems, such as thyroid issues, rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes
- Digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn or frequent bloating
- Sleep issues
- Skin rashes, psoriasis, acne or allergies
- Sugar cravings
- Fatigue or sluggishness
- Mood disorders, such as depression or anxiety
- Weight gain or weight loss
Why I decided to do a gut cleanse
I have had issues with my gut health in the past, so I sought the help of a naturopathic doctor where I got a food sensitivity test. My results indicated intolerances to certain foods including gluten, dairy, lamb and eggs. I cut these foods out and started to feel better, even lost weight and overall inflammation decreased, but then I moved to San Diego.
Finding myself in a new city and being a self-proclaimed “foodie”, I simply couldn’t resist indulging myself at all the delicious local restaurants. My dietary restrictions fell by the wayside, and my overall health plummeted.
I started experiencing uncomfortable bloating, fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, intense sugar cravings, mood swings and depression, but worst of all- a huge increase in acne, both on my face and back, that just wouldn’t go away…no matter what I tried (let’s just say I have quite the arsenal of skin care now).
I would have to say it was that unsightly, pesky acne that finally pushed me over the edge and led me to take charge of my gut health. I have always had very clear skin, and with wedding season rapidly approaching, I needed to get my sh*t together and gain back my confidence to rock some beautiful dresses.
Dr. Alison Gordon’s Gut Cleanse
First things first, I knew I had to kick my cravings if I was to be successful in my gut healing journey. This Gut Cleanse, created by Dr. Alison Gordon, NMD, was just what the doctor ordered (pun intended).
Dr Ali Gordon designed this cleanse to help in the following ways:

What you’ll need
- Paleo Protein by Amy Myers: I might need to write a whole blog post on this one alone! This hydrolyzed non-GMO beef protein doesn’t contain gluten, wheat, dairy, corn, soy, GMOs, or yeast- making it one of the cleanest protein powders on the market and now a staple item in my pantry. For this cleanse I used the Vanilla Bean flavor, however now I regularly have the chocolate flavor on hand as well.
- Oxy Powder by Global Healing: This magnesium capsule helps you stay regular, relieve constipation, and supports a healthy gut.
- Liver Cleanse by Gaia Herbs: A little extra support for your liver is a great addition to any cleanse, as your liver plays a huge role in filtering out unwanted toxins in the body.
- Belly Comfort Peppermint and Roasted Dandelion Tea by Traditional Medicinals: These two teas not only taste great, but provide your body with extra hydration and so many health benefits! We also love Pique’s Mint Tea – tested for heavy metals, pesticides and mycotoxins.
- Bone Broth by Bonafide Provisions : Known as “nutrient liquid gold”, bone broth is rich in nutrients that support immunity, joint health, brain function, hair, skin, and nails. I switched between the organic chicken and organic beef recipes.
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Organic lemons
- Frozen bananas and berries
Cleanse Options
There’s two options for the cleanse. Option 1 is liquids only, and Option 2 consists of liquids and the addition of simple anti-inflammatory meals. You can follow either option for one week, or if you’re really serious, both options back to back. I did option 1.
Option One – Liquids Only
First thing in the morning: warm lemon water with a splash of apple cider vinegar
Breakfast: Protein Smoothie OR Detox Smoothie
Lunch: Bone Broth (sip out of a mug and have multiple cups throughout the day)
Mid-day: Dandelion Tea
Dinner: Protein Smoothie
After dinner: Peppermint Tea
If you get hungry, add half an avocado on the side while drinking bone broth- fat keeps you fuller longer.
Option Two – Smoothies, Soups + Salads
This option consists of salads, smoothies and soups – recipes are linked here.
First thing in the morning: Lemon Water
B: Protein Smoothie OR Detox Smoothie
L: Detox Salad
Midday: Dandelion Tea
D: Chicken and Ginger Soup
After dinner: Peppermint Tea
First thing in the morning: Lemon Water
B: Protein Smoothie OR Detox Smoothie
L: Chicken and Ginger Soup
Midday: Dandelion Tea
D: Protein Smoothie
After dinner: Peppermint Tea
First thing in the morning: Lemon Water
B: Protein Smoothie OR Detox Smoothie
L: Bone Broth (sipped throughout the day)
Midday: Dandelion Tea
D: Detox Salad
After dinner: Peppermint Tea
First thing in the morning: Lemon Water
B: Protein Smoothie OR Detox Smoothie
L: Chicken Zoodle Soup
Midday: Dandelion Tea
D: Protein Smoothie
After dinner: Peppermint Tea
First thing in the morning: Lemon Water
B: Protein Smoothie OR Detox Smoothie
L: Detox Salad
Midday: Dandelion Tea
D: Chicken Zoodle Soup
After dinner: Peppermint Tea
First thing in the morning: Lemon Water
B: Protein Smoothie OR Detox Smoothie
L: Bone Broth
Midday: Dandelion Tea
D: Ginger Chicken Soup – add rice
After dinner: Peppermint Tea
First thing in the morning: Lemon Water
B: Protein Smoothie OR Detox Smoothie
L: Bone Broth
Midday: Dandelion Tea
D: Ginger Chicken Soup – add rice
After dinner: Peppermint Tea
My brutally honest review
I cannot lie to you; the first three days of Cleanse Option One were rough. Prior to this cleanse, I was drinking 4 shot lattes daily, and was in a long-term relationship with my Nespresso machine. The caffeine withdrawal hit hard, and the not-so-pleasant apple cider vinegar replacement didn’t spark the same joy as the smell of a fresh cup of coffee in the morning. Pair that with adjusting to a liquid only diet, and you get a very cranky girl.
To combat this, I made the conscious decision to view every glass of warm apple cider vinegar I downed as my first accomplishment of the day, instead of as a punishment, which left me feeling excited and ready to take on the rest of the day’s challenges.
After those first few days, my body began to adjust. I was waking up with more natural energy and mental clarity than ever before, and my intrusive thoughts about cheeseburgers subsided. As my gut healed from the inside out, my body felt lighter, my stomach tighter, and my skin brighter.
Towards the end of the week, I was blown away by how good I felt. The pesky acne was healing at a rate I couldn’t believe, and my overall inflammation and bloating reduced significantly around my face and stomach (I could see definition in my abs again!). I was no longer experiencing cravings, so by the time I introduced solid foods again, I found it much easier to eat healthy and avoid my trigger foods.
In my opinion, if you are looking for a way to jumpstart your health journey, kick cravings, and heal your gut, this gut cleanse challenge is the way to go. Next time, I’ll be doing both weeks!
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