Bee Pollen Remedy for Allergies | The Hive

A Bee Pollen Remedy for Allergy Season

Here at The Hive, we are always looking for ways to further improve our lives through holistic means. But when it comes to allergy season most of us feel like nothing ever helps. bee pollen for allergies

Year after year we search for the best over the counter medications only to find some sweet relief for a couple of hours before we plummet back to square one. Nobody likes to feel sick. Health is wealth in my book and everyone should always feel their best no matter what the season. 

When it comes to allergies, the source of the problem is also the solution. Bee pollen, a natural mixture of flower pollen, nectar, honey, wax, enzymes and anything and everything a bee can gather and leave behind, may be the best way to be rid of allergies once and for all. 

How does bee pollen help allergies?

The science here is simple: use exposure therapy to build up your immune system. Allergies happen when our bodies develop an immune response to an allergen and create antibodies. Those antibodies then activate a response within our cells to release histamine, which side affects us with cold-like symptoms.bee pollen for allergies

When we incorporate bee pollen into our diets, we reduce the histamine response. Something I learned while making my way through the holistic world, is that modern day medicine is rooted in nature. The main ingredients we find in over the counter medications are found in the very landscape of our world. 

How to choose the right bee pollen

To overcome allergies for once and for all we have to go back to the root and use it as part of our solution. To choose the best bee pollen for remedy, it is essential to buy locally. You are looking to build immunity for your environment. So if you live in California, bee pollen from New Jersey would not be effective. Choose a bee pollen bottle with a variety of colors. A variety of colors indicates a wide variety of plants which will increase the bee pollen’s nutrient profile and rev up your immunity. 

How to use bee pollen for allergies

Start small to avoid any major symptoms. You can start with as little as half a teaspoon a day and work your way up to one to three tablespoons by the end of the month. It’s easy to incorporate bee pollen into our diets. It will not affect the taste of your food, though it may enhance the sweetness. Don’t be afraid to sprinkle it onto your oatmeal or yogurt or mix it in with a smoothie or juice. Bee pollen is also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which are essential in protecting our bodies from free radicals and disease. bee pollen for allergies

If allergy season keeps you inside every spring, try bee pollen out for a change. Remember to start small. Observe how you feel with each microdose and increase it as your tolerance levels see fit. Note: if you have a history of anaphylactic shock, this remedy is not for you. 

Spring is one of the best times of the year. Don’t let allergies keep you from going outside and smelling the flowers! 

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