Everyday Magic with Katherine Manson, Founder of Tarot CBD

Liz Smith

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If I’m being honest, I’ve never been much of a supplemental CBD fan (although, there’s a handful of topical products I’ve been using for some time.) But it wasn’t until last month when I found a CBD product that actually aided in my need for quality sleep. It contained full-spectrum CBD, organic valerian root and it knocked me the f-out.  

This magical tincture was from a company called Tarot. I came across their profile on Instagram and was immediately drawn to the vibe of the branding.  But what actually sold me was how they differentiated themselves from most other CBD companies thrown around the internet (I may poke my eyes out if I see another MLM product).

Tarot tinctures are the only ones on the market that source CO2 extracted, whole-plant herbs (this extraction process helps preserve the plant’s full-terpene profile). They also infuse their CBD with additional plants like turmeric, elderberry, damiana, and valerian root to help heighten each medicinal experience. Everything is also third-party lab tested for potency, herbicides + pesticides – something you should always look for with any herbal supplement you take.

After doing some light stalking on the brand and the badass woman behind it, I knew I had to get to know her. I have such a respect for women who 1. take their wellness into their own hands, 2. follow the urge to make sh*t happen on their own terms, and 3. Are not afraid to be open about what works for them – and specifically, cannabis.  

Meet Tarot Founder, Kate Manson – a cannabis aficionado who has spent over ten years in the industry. In addition to running her successful CBD line, Kate is also the CEO of Capsule and Co. and Co-Founder of The Intersectiona connection-driven initiative for the cannabis + hemp industries. 

I was lucky enough to snag a Q+A with Kate where she talks about wellness practices, favorite products in her line, COVID-19, morning routines, & more.

Everyone, meet Kate:

How were you introduced to the world of CBD?

Kate: I worked in the cannabis industry for the last ten years so I’ve been very familiar with CBD but didn’t start using it daily until 2017. A have really bad anxiety and a friend recommended that I add CBD to my THC routine. I’ve been hooked ever since.


What gets you up and motivated in the morning?

Kate: This is going to sound very 50’s housewife but I love making my partner coffee before he walks out the door. Acts of service are one of my love languages. 


What does your typical day look like?

Kate: I wake up around 6:30/7:00, make coffee, clean the house, and get to work. I usually take a break around noon for lunch and a quick walk with my dog. I work straight through the afternoon until 5:30. Since quarantine, my partner and I have been going fishing at local lakes every night, making dinner, and playing scrabble before bed.


What gave you the inspiration to take the leap and start your own business?

Kate: I would say a series of bad experiences in the workplace, dealing with harassment, lopsided wages, and toxic masculinity pushed me into entrepreneurship. I love being my own boss. Starting Tarot was my way of putting my mental health into my own hands and finding power in my voice. 


What are some other brands that inspire you + your business?

Kate: There are soo many! I’ve always loved magazines like Aiga and Broccoli. I think most in direct to consumer sales would say Glossier for their unique marketing and market share. And The Great Jones for the overall cohesiveness of the brand.


Which Tarot products are you using the most right now?

Kate: I use the Elderberry Rose & CBD a few times a day. Elderberry for immunity and rose and CBD to help ease my anxiety and find focus. I also love the taste, it’s got a soft rose flavor that is great alone or in coffee or tea.


What are the most important things people should look for in CBD products?

Kate: Product transparency, if a company does not display COA’s it is best to move on and look for a more reputable source. I always like to buy from women-owned and/or minority-owned businesses as well. 


How do you maintain your wellness while running a business?

Kate: I separate work from home. At 5:30 I am done working and so is my partner. I also don’t work on the weekends and don’t expect anyone who works with me too. I grew up without a cell phone and think it’s important to detach and recharge. 


One self-care practice you can’t live without:

Kate: My nightly skincare routine. I use Youth to the Peoples Superberry mask with this retinol almost every night. If you’re new to retinol its best two use it every 2-3 days at first to see how your skin reacts.


3 non-social media apps you use on the reg:


Get Stoned and Tone 

Mystic Monday 


What’s your biggest takeaway from Covid-19 quarantine?

Kate: My biggest takeaway from Covid19 is how unprepared we were as a country for this pandemic at that our vote counts more now than ever. 

Our Tarot Favorites

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Editor’s Note: This article does not contain medical advice. We encourage you to consult with your trusted healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health & wellbeing.

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