Natural Makeup 101

Liz Smith

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We’re in an decade where we’re bombarded with new health and wellness trends. We know that we gotta stay active, eat greens, drink water, take some vitamins. That sh*t’s a given. But when it comes to maintaining long-term wellness, you can make the biggest impact by making small shifts to your routine and items you use on a daily basis. This is where makeup – natural makeup – comes into play. 

When we think about our body’s physiological health, we need to shift our focus to something called our toxic burden. We live in an era thats highly toxic – from the furniture we sit on, to the pesticides sprayed on 99% of all our food, soil, water, etc. When our bodies are in a toxic overload, its hard to heal and have our detox the way they’re made to. Simply put, our liver and lymphatic system are now working on overdrive to process more than it is meant to take in. 

One of the simplest ways we can reduce our toxic burden is by cleaning up the things we put on our skin – specifically, makeup.  It’s known that the average woman’s daily personal care products contain over 160 chemicals (think about all that crap thats absorbing into your body!) But good news – there’s a boat load of amazing skincare and makeup brands that are both amazing and adhere to strict guidelines when it comes to quality of ingredients, sourcing, and sustainability. 

Quick tips for transitioning to natural makeup

SAMPLE FIRST. I love how The Detox Market offers product samples for you to try before you buy. Only $7.99 plus shipping for 4 samples of your choosing.

DON’T BE WASTEFUL with what you already have. Focus on swapping over one thing at a time. Try swapping to a clean concealer or foundation first and take it from there.

DON’T BUY ALL AT ONCE. Better quality tends to be a bit pricier, and this is 100% reflected in the makeup I listed below.

In short, the crap that’s in your perfume, moisturizer and foundation is not only messing with your skin, but your internal health as well. At this point in my life, I can say I’m 100% committed to using high-quality, all-natural makeup and skin care products. I’ve experimented with a ton of brands and highlighted a few from one of my favorite beauty stores, The Detox Market.  

Foundation + Concealer

Bronzer + Blush + Highlighter

Mascara + Brows



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Editor’s Note: This article does not contain medical advice. We encourage you to consult with your trusted healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health & wellbeing.

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